Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Metapopulationen und Biotopverbund: Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von Schmetterlingen und Reptilien
Author Settele, J.; Henle, K.; Bender, C.
Source Titel Zeitschrift für Ökologie und Naturschutz
Year 1996
Department BZF; NSF
Volume 5
Issue 3-4
Page From 187
Page To 206
Language deutsch
UFZ inventory Z, Leipzig - Bibliothek, Magazin, 1.1992 - 9.2001 // Z, Halle - Bibliothek, 1.1992 - 8.2000

Metapopulation theory provides a basis and justification for a conservation strategy called "Biotopverbund" in Germany (biotope connectedness). As implementation as well as assessment of its efficiency only can be based on s ingle species and their respective habitats, the term "Habitatverbund" (habitat connectedness) is introduced. Using European butterflies and German and Australian reptiles as two exemplary groups, the importance of metapopulations for their survival is analysed based on own data and literature review. It is concluded that different simplified implementation strategies can be followed depending on the mobility, population dynamics, and surveyability of the relevant species. However, these strategies should be used only if connected habitats are planned as a preventive strategy, and must not be used in cases of a last resort for a vanishing species.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Settele, J., Henle, K., Bender, C. (1996):
Metapopulationen und Biotopverbund: Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel von Schmetterlingen und Reptilien
Z. Ökologie u. Naturschutz 5 (3-4), 187 - 206