Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1179/0308018814Z.00000000097
Title (Primary) Inter- and transdisciplinary research for planning climate change adaptation responses: the example of Santiago de Chile
Author Krellenberg, K.; Barth, K.
Source Titel Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Year 2014
Department SUSOZ
Volume 39
Issue 4
Page From 360
Page To 375
Language englisch
Keywords inter- and transdisciplinary approach; climate change adaptation; Santiago de Chile; collaborative response; participation
UFZ wide themes RU6

This article gives insights into an inter- and transdisciplinary research approach designed to enhance the planning of climate change adaptation responses at urban-regional level. What makes interdisciplinary approaches to adaptation action unique is its ability to unravel the complexity of climate change and the interwoven processes it entails. It is the planning aspect here that makes stakeholder involvement crucial. Hence in contemporary climate change research the science-policy interface takes centre stage, generating response capacity and exchanging ‘usable’ information with decision-makers within the framework of a transdisciplinary approach. Climate action plans and climate adaptation strategies, for example, have the potential to unite sectors and levels of decision-making around an integrated planning approach. This article discusses the challenges and constraints of the inter- and transdisciplinary research approach developed for a Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile (MRS).

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Krellenberg, K., Barth, K. (2014):
Inter- and transdisciplinary research for planning climate change adaptation responses: the example of Santiago de Chile
Interdiscip. Sci. Rev. 39 (4), 360 - 375 10.1179/0308018814Z.00000000097