Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.envint.2013.09.003
Title (Primary) Response to the comment on "Partitioning of polar and non-polar neutral organic chemicals into human and cow milk"
Author Endo, S.; Geisler, A.; Goss, K.-U.
Source Titel Environment International
Year 2013
Department AUC
Volume 61
Page From 154
Page To 154
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes RU3;
Abstract no abstract
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Endo, S., Geisler, A., Goss, K.-U. (2013):
Response to the comment on "Partitioning of polar and non-polar neutral organic chemicals into human and cow milk"
Environ. Int. 61 , 154 - 154 10.1016/j.envint.2013.09.003