Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Influence of low- and high-frequency electrical heating on biodegrading microorganisms in soil: soil respiration
Author Roland, U.; Holzer, F. ORCID logo ; Kopinke, F.-D.
Source Titel Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy
Year 2013
Department TUCHEM
Volume 47
Issue 3
Page From 186
Page To 198
Language englisch
Keywords Resistive heating; dielectric heating; soil remediation; biodegradation; soil respiration; radio frequency
UFZ wide themes RU3;
Abstract The influence of electrical heating on microbiological processes in soil has been studied to evaluate the potential for enhancing biodegradation of pollutants by controlling the temperature. A frequency of 50 Hz (power line frequency) was applied for resistive heating. Dielectric heating was realized using a frequency of 13.56 MHz (radio frequency). Both techniques were compared with conventional heating in a water bath. For experiments
in laboratory and full scale, a model soil and a contaminated original soil were used. It was shown that under conditions capable for heating soil to 35 °C or even 60 °C, soil respiration as a measure for microbial activity was not hindered by electrical heating when temperature and moisture content were comparable with conventional heating. The variations of soil respiration were reversible upon temperature changes. Under certain conditions, periodical fluctuations of microbiological activity were observed. Several possible explanations including chronobiology are discussed without being able to provide an unambiguous interpretation for this effect.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Roland, U., Holzer, F., Kopinke, F.-D. (2013):
Influence of low- and high-frequency electrical heating on biodegrading microorganisms in soil: soil respiration
J. Microw. Power Electromagn. Energy 47 (3), 186 - 198