Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.05.271
Title (Primary) Air/liquid interface (ALI) technique for toxicity testing of gaseous compounds on human lung cells
Author Troeller, S.; Linsel, G.; Huettig, N.; Bauer, M.; Graebsch, C.; Smirnova, L.; Pirow, R.; Liebsch, M.; Berger-Preiß, E.; Kock, H.; Oertel, A.; Ritter, D.; Knebel, J.
Source Titel Toxicology Letters
Year 2013
Department IMMU; STUDIEN
Volume 221
Issue Suppl.
Page From S138
Page To S139
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes ru3
Abstract no abstract
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Troeller, S., Linsel, G., Huettig, N., Bauer, M., Graebsch, C., Smirnova, L., Pirow, R., Liebsch, M., Berger-Preiß, E., Kock, H., Oertel, A., Ritter, D., Knebel, J. (2013):
Air/liquid interface (ALI) technique for toxicity testing of gaseous compounds on human lung cells
Toxicol. Lett. 221 (Suppl.), S138 - S139 10.1016/j.toxlet.2013.05.271