Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
DOI 10.1016/B978-0-444-59396-2.00024-9
Title (Primary) Offsetting policies for biodiversity conservation: the need for compensating habitat relocation
Title (Secondary) Models of the ecological hierarchy: from molecules to the ecosphere
Author Johst, K.; Hartig, F.; Drechsler, M.
Publisher Jordán, F.; Jørgensen, S.E.
Source Titel Developments in Environmental Modelling
Year 2012
Department OESA
Volume 25
Page From 413
Page To 430
Language englisch
UFZ inventory 12-1409 ; 00471152
Abstract To halt biodiversity loss, market-based conservation policies known as biodiversity offsetting are increasingly implemented in developed countries. These policies allow the destruction of natural habitats if new habitat of equal quality has been created elsewhere. Yet, even at constant total habitat area, patch relocations can be detrimental for species. Using an analytical formula for metapopulation viability, we provide understanding and novel insights into the interplay between the landscape attributes patch number, connectivity, and level of patch turnover. We show that both landscape and species characteristics must be considered to ensure that biodiversity offsetting is effective and derive guidelines for the design of such policies.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Johst, K., Hartig, F., Drechsler, M. (2012):
Offsetting policies for biodiversity conservation: the need for compensating habitat relocation
In: Jordán, F., Jørgensen, S.E. (eds.)
Models of the ecological hierarchy: from molecules to the ecosphere
Developments in Environmental Modelling 25
Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 413 - 430 10.1016/B978-0-444-59396-2.00024-9