Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/all.12033
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Title (Primary) Exposures during pregnancy modulate foetal regulatory T-cell development with consequences for the allergy risk of the child
Author Herberth, G. ORCID logo ; Hinz, D.; Bauer, M.; Röder, S. ORCID logo ; Olek, S.; Huehn, J.; Sack, U.; Borte, M.; Simon, J.; Lehmann, I.
Source Titel Allergy
Year 2012
Department IMMU; STUDIEN
Volume 67
Issue Suppl. 96
Page From 65
Page To 65
Language englisch

no abstract

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Herberth, G., Hinz, D., Bauer, M., Röder, S., Olek, S., Huehn, J., Sack, U., Borte, M., Simon, J., Lehmann, I. (2012):
Exposures during pregnancy modulate foetal regulatory T-cell development with consequences for the allergy risk of the child
Allergy 67 (Suppl. 96), 65 - 65 10.1111/all.12033