Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
Title (Primary) | History of flora and climate of Buzuluk's coniferous forest in Holocene and Late Glaciation periods and their paleogeographical value |
Author | Kremenetski, C.B.; Böttger, T.; Klimanov, B.A.; Tarasov, A.G.; Junge, F.W. |
Source Titel | Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk / Serija geograficeskaja |
Year | 1998 |
Department | HDG; ISOHYD |
Volume | 4 |
Page From | 60 |
Page To | 74 |
Language | russisch |
Abstract | 13 meters bore-hole of lake-swam deposits of Pobochnoe section for the Late Glaciation and Holocene periods of the East of the European Russia is examined. Palinological, botanic, malakological, paleoclimatic analyses, O18/O12 isotopic analyses and radiocarbon dating was undertaken. For the first time the environmental history for the last 14000 years was reconstructed. About 14000-13000 years ago cold dry steppes were distributed along Samara river basin. The main climate displacement was near 10000 years ago under the change from the Late Glaciation to the Holocene, when climate became warmer and forests distributed. Pinus Sylvestris L. Distributed 10000 years before. Near 9000 Ulmus, Quercus and Corylus appeared in Buzuluk's coniferous forest. Near 7000 Almus appeared in Buzuluk region. Tilia and Acer appeared here 6000 years ago. Between 6000 and 4500 climatic conditions for the forest growth in Samara river basin were optimal. 5500-5000 years ago the lake dried and nearly 5000 changed to a new peat swamp. Between 4500-3500 the forest area in Buzuluk coniferous forest partly decreased and climate became more dry and warm, and nearly between 3500-2400 years ago increased the area of coniferous forest. Between 2400-2000 the area of pine forests again reduced, evidently were connected with strengthening of dry climate. From 2000 in Buzuluk coniferous forest area the present natural conditions were settled. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Kremenetski, C.B., Böttger, T., Klimanov, B.A., Tarasov, A.G., Junge, F.W. (1998): History of flora and climate of Buzuluk's coniferous forest in Holocene and Late Glaciation periods and their paleogeographical value Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk / Serija geograficeskaja 4 , 60 - 74 |