Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1007/s10856-012-4760-x |
Title (Primary) | Quantitative proteomics reveals altered expression of extracellular matrix related proteins of human primary dermal fibroblasts in response to sulfated hyaluronan and collagen applied as artificial extracellular matrix |
Author | Müller, S.A.; van der Smissen, A.; von Feilitzsch, M.; Anderegg, U.; Kalkhof, S.; von Bergen, M. |
Source Titel | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine |
Year | 2012 |
Department | PROTEOM |
Volume | 23 |
Issue | 12 |
Page From | 3053 |
Page To | 3065 |
Language | englisch |
Supplements | |
Abstract | Fibroblasts are the main matrix producing cells of the dermis and are also strongly regulated by their matrix environment which can be used to improve and guide skin wound healing processes. Here, we systematically investigated the molecular effects on primary dermal fibroblasts in response to high-sulfated hyaluronan [HA] (hsHA) by quantitative proteomics. The comparison of non- and high-sulfated HA revealed regulation of 84 of more than 1,200 quantified proteins. Based on gene enrichment we found that sulfation of HA alters extracellular matrix remodeling. The collagen degrading enzymes cathepsin K, matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -14 were found to be down-regulated on hsHA. Additionally protein expression of thrombospondin-1, decorin, collagen types I and XII were reduced, whereas the expression of trophoblast glycoprotein and collagen type VI were slightly increased. This study demonstrates that global proteomics provides a valuable tool for revealing proteins involved in molecular effects of growth substrates for further material optimization. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Müller, S.A., van der Smissen, A., von Feilitzsch, M., Anderegg, U., Kalkhof, S., von Bergen, M. (2012): Quantitative proteomics reveals altered expression of extracellular matrix related proteins of human primary dermal fibroblasts in response to sulfated hyaluronan and collagen applied as artificial extracellular matrix J. Mater. Sci.-Mater. Med. 23 (12), 3053 - 3065 10.1007/s10856-012-4760-x |