Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1007/s11200-010-0040-8 |
Document | Shareable Link |
Title (Primary) | Magnetic signature of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and sediments at the former oil field Hänigsen, Germany |
Author | Rijal, M.; Porsch, K.; Appel, E.; Kappler, A. |
Source Titel | Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica |
Year | 2012 |
Department | BIOENERGIE |
Volume | 56 |
Issue | 3 |
Page From | 889 |
Page To | 908 |
Language | englisch |
Keywords | magnetic properties;magnetic methods;environmental magnetism;hydrocarbon contaminated soil and sediment;iron redox cycling |
Abstract | Magnetic properties of hydrocarbon (HC) containing soils and sediments from two sites (Site A and B) of the former oil-field Hänigsen were analyzed in order to determine whether magnetic methods can be employed to delineate HC contamination of soils and sediments. Magnetic parameters such as magnetic susceptibility and induced isothermal remanent magnetizations, as well as soil and sediment properties such as pH, iron content and water content, HC content and most probable number counts of iron-metabolizing microorganisms were determined. The magnetic concentration-dependent parameters for HC contaminated samples were 25 times higher in soils from Site A than in sediment samples from Site B. However, at Site B the magnetic susceptibility was still four times higher in comparison to lithologically similar non-contaminated sediment samples from a third Site C. Newly formed magnetite containing mainly single domain particles was responsible for the magnetic enhancement, whereas superparamagnetic grains represented only a minor component. Site A had an acidic pH compared to neutral pH at Site B, and a higher crystalline and bioavailable total iron content. Nevertheless, Site B samples contained significant numbers of both iron(II)-oxidizing and iron(III)-reducing microorganisms indicating that microbial iron cycling might have taken place at this site and potentially played a role for iron mineral transformation, including magnetite (trans)formation. The content of total non-polar hydrocarbons (TNPH) at Site A was one order of magnitude higher than at Site B. Only at Site A magnetic susceptibility correlated well with TNPH. Our results demonstrate that HC contaminated samples had an enhanced magnetite content compared to non-contaminated soils and sediments. Therefore, magnetic methods may provide a quick and cost-effective way to assess HC contamination in soils and sediments. However, more field sites and laboratory investigations are needed to reveal the complex nature of the processes involved. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
Rijal, M., Porsch, K., Appel, E., Kappler, A. (2012): Magnetic signature of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and sediments at the former oil field Hänigsen, Germany Stud. Geophys. Geod. 56 (3), 889 - 908 10.1007/s11200-010-0040-8 |