Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
Title (Primary) Förändringar av gaddstekelfaunan på Kullaberg i Skåne [Changes in the fauna of aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) at Kullaberg in southwestern Sweden]
Author Franzén, M.; Molander, M.; Norén, L.; Nilsson, L.A.
Source Titel Entomologisk Tidskrift
Year 2012
Department BZF
Volume 132
Issue 1-2
Page From 1
Page To 27
Language schwedisch
Abstract Kullaberg is a peninsula (14 km 2) in southwestern Sweden. The area is dominated by deciduous woodlands, a golf course and agricultural land. A large part of the peninsula is protected as a nature reserve since 1965. The fauna and flora at Kullaberg have been stud-ied intensively, especially during the mid 20 th century, and there is a significant amount of available information on many groups of organisms in the area. However, the ecologically important group of aculeate wasps is an exception. To explore potential changes in this interesting group, we surveyed 20 localities at Kullaberg using sweep netting and differ-ent traps from 2004-2009. For past-present comparisons, museums were searched for old records of mainly wild bees. In total 260 species of aculeate wasps have been recorded from the area. The most species rich locality harbored 148 species. A total of 21 species could not be found during 2004-2009, these are only present in museum collections and have presumably gone extinct in the area. All together 28 Red Listed aculeate wasp spe-cies have been recorded from the area, 23 of these being wild bee species. Out of these, we found indications that 15 now are extinct on Kullaberg. Despite being a protected area, the golf course has been extended during the last 50 years and at the same period open, flower rich areas have been severely reduced at Kullaberg. Reintroduction of grazing animals after clear cutting has only marginally increased the abundance of flowering herbs because of high grazing pressures and a lack of disturbances to the often degenerated field layers. We argue that the ineffective and inappropriate management of protected areas is the major cause why so many species have been lost. As displayed in old museum material, species continued to become locally extinct in the area long after the reserves were established. Clearly, the requirements of biodiversity should be better considered at Kullaberg. Fortu-nately, there are great opportunities to improve the management of the reserve. Traditional hay meadows with late harvesting should be reintroduced and less intensive grazing prac-ticed. Field layers need to be disturbed in order to create new patches for herbs and nesting sites for aculeate wasps. A "bee watch" tourist attraction should be established.

Changes in the fauna of aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) at Kullaberg in southwestern Sweden - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed Jun 1, 2015].
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Franzén, M., Molander, M., Norén, L., Nilsson, L.A. (2012):
Förändringar av gaddstekelfaunan på Kullaberg i Skåne [Changes in the fauna of aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) at Kullaberg in southwestern Sweden]
Entomologisk Tidskrift 132 (1-2), 1 - 27