Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02075.x
Title (Primary) Day care attendance and eczema in East and West Germany - results from the LISA birth cohort study
Author Cramer, C.; Link, E.; Sugiri, D.; Wichmann, H.; Heinrich, J.; Sausenthaler, S.; Lehmann, I.; Herbarth, O.; Borte, M.; Behrendt, H.; von Berg, A.; Schaaf, B.; Krämer, U.
Source Titel Allergy
Year 2009
Department IMMU; STUDIEN
Volume 64
Issue Suppl. 90
Page From 100
Page To 100
Language englisch

no abstract

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Cramer, C., Link, E., Sugiri, D., Wichmann, H., Heinrich, J., Sausenthaler, S., Lehmann, I., Herbarth, O., Borte, M., Behrendt, H., von Berg, A., Schaaf, B., Krämer, U. (2009):
Day care attendance and eczema in East and West Germany - results from the LISA birth cohort study
Allergy 64 (Suppl. 90), 100 - 100 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2009.02075.x