Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Reports
Document publication document
Title (Primary) Making water affordable to all – a typology and evaluation of options for urban water pricing
Author Lehmann, P.
Source Titel UFZ Discussion Papers
Year 2011
Department OEKON
Volume 10/2011
Page To 31
Language englisch
Keywords Administrative simplicity; affordability; efficiency; financial sustainability; typology; water pricing

An important criterion for the design of urban water prices is the affordability of water supply for poor customers. This paper presents a typology of water pricing options which policy-makers have at their disposal in order to address affordability. A review of theoretical insights and empirical experiences reveals, however, how the real-world performance of these options depends on the characteristics of their technological and socio-economic environment. Moreover, possible trade-offs between affordability and other criteria, including efficiency, financial sustainability and administrative simplicity, are pointed out. Thereby, the paper is meant to assist policy-makers in identifying water pricing options which are appropriate for their context.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Lehmann, P. (2011):
Making water affordable to all – a typology and evaluation of options for urban water pricing
UFZ Discussion Papers 10/2011
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 31 pp.