Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Combined urban exposure by airborne particles and noise
Title (Secondary) Abstracts of the 7th International conference on Air Quality 2009 in Istanbul
Author Weber, N.; Haase, D.; Tuch, T.; Schlink, U. ORCID logo ; Franck, U.
Publisher Hu, R.-M.
Year 2009
Department CLE; STUDIEN
Page From 92
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Weber, N., Haase, D., Tuch, T., Schlink, U., Franck, U. (2009):
Combined urban exposure by airborne particles and noise
In: Hu, R.-M. (ed.)
Abstracts of the 7th International conference on Air Quality 2009 in Istanbul
University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, p. 92