Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Influence of water on radio-frequency heating of zeolite NaY. Characterization of a themo-chromatographic pulse (TCP)
Title (Secondary) Microwave and RF Power Applications. Proc. 13th International Conference AMPERE, Toulouse 2011
Author Kraus, M.; Trommler, U.; Holzer, F. ORCID logo ; Kopinke, F.-D.; Roland, U.
Publisher Tao, J.
Year 2011
Department TUCHEM
Page From 177
Page To 180
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Kraus, M., Trommler, U., Holzer, F., Kopinke, F.-D., Roland, U. (2011):
Influence of water on radio-frequency heating of zeolite NaY. Characterization of a themo-chromatographic pulse (TCP)
In: Tao, J. (ed.)
Microwave and RF Power Applications. Proc. 13th International Conference AMPERE, Toulouse 2011
Cépaduès, Toulouse, p. 177 - 180