Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.014
Title (Primary) Landscape elements as potential barriers and corridors for bees, wasps and parasitoids
Author Krewenka, K.M.; Holzschuh, A.; Tscharntke, T.; Dormann, C.F.
Source Titel Biological Conservation
Year 2011
Department CLE
Volume 144
Issue 6
Page From 1816
Page To 1825
Language englisch
Keywords Grass strips; Hedges; Corridors; Bees; Wasps; Agricultural landscape

Habitat loss and fragmentation in agricultural landscapes lead to severe declines of abundance and richness of many insect species in the remaining isolated semi-natural habitats. We analysed possible barrier effects of large hedges and corridor effects of narrow grass strips that were hypothesized to affect foraging and dispersal of hymenopterans. We selected calcareous grasslands in the vicinity of Göttingen (Germany), which harbour high Hymenoptera diversity and are starting points for foraging and dispersal in the landscape. We installed pan traps to sample bees (i) on the grasslands; (ii) on grassland edges behind adjacent hedges (potential barriers) and without hedges; (iii) on grass strips in 100 m distance to the grassland, which were connected or unconnected to the grassland; and (iv) unconnected (isolated) grass strips in 300 m and 750 m distance to test for corridor and isolation effects on abundance and species richness of foraging wild bees. Additionally we provided trap nests for bees, wasps and their parasitoids on the grasslands and the strips. Species abundance and richness declined with increasing isolation from grasslands for foraging solitary bees, trap-nesting bees, wasps and parasitoids, but not for foraging bumblebees. Hedges did not confine movement of foraging bees. We found no mitigating effects of (100 m) corridor strips on any of the observed groups. We conclude that conservation of semi-natural habitats as sources of bee and wasp diversity is important and that grass strips act as sinks rather than corridors when high quality patches are nearby.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Krewenka, K.M., Holzschuh, A., Tscharntke, T., Dormann, C.F. (2011):
Landscape elements as potential barriers and corridors for bees, wasps and parasitoids
Biol. Conserv. 144 (6), 1816 - 1825 10.1016/j.biocon.2011.03.014