Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1242/jeb.035329
Title (Primary) Singing the blues: from experimental biology to conservation application
Author Settele, J.; Barbero, F.; Musche, M.; Thomas, J.A.; Schönrogge, K.
Source Titel Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Year 2011
Department BZF
Volume 214
Issue 9
Page From 1407
Page To 1410
Language englisch
Keywords acoustical communication; ant-butterfly interaction; chemical communication; coevolution; endangered species; multi-trophic system
Abstract Chemical communication plays a major role in the organisation of ant societies, and is mimicked to near perfection by certain large blue (Maculinea) butterflies that parasitise Myrmica ant colonies. The recent discovery of differentiated acoustical communication between different castes of ants, and the fact that this too is mimicked by the butterflies, adds a new component of coevolutionary complexity to a fascinating multitrophic system of endangered species, and it could inspire new ways to engage the public in their conservation.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Settele, J., Barbero, F., Musche, M., Thomas, J.A., Schönrogge, K. (2011):
Singing the blues: from experimental biology to conservation application
J. Evol. Biol. 214 (9), 1407 - 1410 10.1242/jeb.035329