Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1039/c0ee00605j
Title (Primary) Revealing the electrochemically driven selection in natural community derived microbial biofilms using flow-cytometry
Author Harnisch, F.; Koch, C.; Patil, S.A.; Hübschmann, T.; Müller, S.; Schröder, U.
Source Titel Energy & Environmental Science
Year 2011
Issue 4
Page From 1265
Page To 1267
Language englisch
Abstract In this communication we demonstrate that electrochemically active microbial biofilms and their enrichment at the anode of a microbial bioelectrochemical system (BES) can be quantitatively and easily characterized by flow-cytometry. This analysis revealed that the anodic biofilm of a BES, formed from a highly diverse microbial community and fed with single substrate artificial wastewater, was dominated by only one phylotype.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Harnisch, F., Koch, C., Patil, S.A., Hübschmann, T., Müller, S., Schröder, U. (2011):
Revealing the electrochemically driven selection in natural community derived microbial biofilms using flow-cytometry
Energy Environ. Sci. (4), 1265 - 1267 10.1039/c0ee00605j