Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.automatica.2010.09.001
Title (Primary) Structural properties of continuous representations of Boolean functions for gene network modelling
Author Faisal, S.; Lichtenberg, G.; Trump, S.; Attinger, S.
Source Titel Automatica
Year 2010
Department CHS; IMMU
Volume 46
Issue 12
Page From 2047
Page To 2052
Language englisch

This paper recaps and extends a new method for the parameter identification of Boolean models with continuous valued data. The proposed Zhegalkin identification method with constraints allows us to include a priori known qualitative properties of the system formulated as binary rules. One rule is especially investigated, i.e. the canalizing property—because of its relevance in gene network modelling from which an application example is given.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Faisal, S., Lichtenberg, G., Trump, S., Attinger, S. (2010):
Structural properties of continuous representations of Boolean functions for gene network modelling
Automatica 46 (12), 2047 - 2052 10.1016/j.automatica.2010.09.001