Details zur Publikation

Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1016/S1350-4487(97)00158-3
Titel (primär) Comparison of radon measurements done by solid state nuclear track detectors and electronic devices in the framework of an EU-radon project
Autor Jönsson, G.; Albarracin, D.; Bacmeister, G.U.; Baixeras, C.; Climent, H.; Cotellessa, G.; Devantier, R.; Enge, W.; Freyer, K.; Font, L.; Ghose, R.; Monnin, M.M.; Sciocchetti, G.; Seidel, J.L.; Treutler, H.C.
Quelle Radiation Measurements
Erscheinungsjahr 1997
Department ANA
Band/Volume 28
Heft 1-6
Seite von 651
Seite bis 656
Sprache englisch
Keywords Solid state nuclear track detector; passive radon detector; active radon detector; indoor radon; soil radon; comparative measurement

Radon measurements are performed within an EU-project in five European countries in selected houses and in the soil around the houses. The radon levels are measured with passive, solid state nuclear track detectors of the types LR 115, CR-39 and Makrofol and with active electronic devices. The active detectors are able to give time resolved data while the passive detectors give time integrated data. The measurements arediscussed in this report and some comparative data from different types of measurement are presented.

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Jönsson, G., Albarracin, D., Bacmeister, G.U., Baixeras, C., Climent, H., Cotellessa, G., Devantier, R., Enge, W., Freyer, K., Font, L., Ghose, R., Monnin, M.M., Sciocchetti, G., Seidel, J.L., Treutler, H.C. (1997):
Comparison of radon measurements done by solid state nuclear track detectors and electronic devices in the framework of an EU-radon project
Radiat. Meas. 28 (1-6), 651 - 656 10.1016/S1350-4487(97)00158-3