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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
Titel (primär) Konzeptionelle Ansätze zur Steuerung des Phosphat-Haushaltes von Seen durch interne Maßnahmen. Measures to control phosphate levels in lakes
Autor Hupfer, M.; Gelbrecht, J.; Scharf, B.W.; Steinberg, C.
Quelle Wasser & Boden
Erscheinungsjahr 1997
Department GM
Band/Volume 49
Heft 12
Seite von 8
Seite bis 13
Sprache deutsch
UFZ Bestand Z, Magdeburg - Bibliothek, Zeitschriften, 22.1970 - 55.2003
Abstract Various measures are described for increasing phosphorus retention in lake sediments. A comprehensive database of the catchment area, the body of water and the sediment makes it possible to assess the viability of such expensive restoration measures. The increased retention of phosphorus in the sediment can have a lasting influence. However, the release of transient P-forms with ageing must be taken into account, together with inputs and other components of the P-cycle. The effectiveness of new and established restoration measures are evaluated.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Hupfer, M., Gelbrecht, J., Scharf, B.W., Steinberg, C. (1997):
Konzeptionelle Ansätze zur Steuerung des Phosphat-Haushaltes von Seen durch interne Maßnahmen. Measures to control phosphate levels in lakes
Wasser Boden 49 (12), 8 - 13