Details zur Publikation

Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1016/S1350-4487(97)00159-5
Titel (primär) Modelling of solid state nuclear track detector devices for radon measurements
Autor Andriamanatena, R.; Bacmeister, G.U.; Freyer, K.; Ghose, R.; Jönsson, G.; Kleis, T.; Treutler, H.-C.; Enge, W.
Quelle Radiation Measurements
Erscheinungsjahr 1997
Department ANA
Band/Volume 28
Heft 1-6
Seite von 657
Seite bis 662
Sprache englisch
Keywords LR-115; track etching rate; bulk etching rate; radon measurements; EU-project

Theoretical analytical calculations of the radon registration have been performed for the solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) LR-115 Type II (peliculable) produced by Kodak-Pathé (France). Known and measured properties of LR-115 together with the well established etching theory using “Huygens principle” were used to carry out these detailed calculations for different types of exposure devices for indoor room and outdoor soil measurements.

The results of these modeling calculations are compared with experimental calibration measurements and show good agreement.

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Andriamanatena, R., Bacmeister, G.U., Freyer, K., Ghose, R., Jönsson, G., Kleis, T., Treutler, H.-C., Enge, W. (1997):
Modelling of solid state nuclear track detector devices for radon measurements
Radiat. Meas. 28 (1-6), 657 - 662 10.1016/S1350-4487(97)00159-5