Details zur Publikation |
Kategorie | Textpublikation |
Referenztyp | Tagungsbeiträge |
Titel (primär) | An interdisciplinary approach to the subjective and objective measuring of environmental quality in residential areas. Lichen monitoring and sociological investigations in Brno (Czech Republic) |
Titel (sekundär) | Development of European Landscapes. Conference Proceedings der IALE European Conference 2001, Stockholm und Tartu (30. 6.- 6.7.2001), Bd. 2 |
Autor | Haase, D.; Steinführer, A. |
Herausgeber | Mander, Ü.; Printsmann, A.; Palang, H. |
Quelle | Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2001 |
Department | CLE; SUSOZ |
Band/Volume | 92 |
Seite von | 676 |
Seite bis | 677 |
Abstract | |
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung | |
Haase, D., Steinführer, A. (2001): An interdisciplinary approach to the subjective and objective measuring of environmental quality in residential areas. Lichen monitoring and sociological investigations in Brno (Czech Republic) In: Mander, Ü., Printsmann, A., Palang, H. (eds.) Development of European Landscapes. Conference Proceedings der IALE European Conference 2001, Stockholm und Tartu (30. 6.- 6.7.2001), Bd. 2 Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 92 Tartu Ülikool Geograafia Institut, Tartu, 676 - 677 |