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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
Titel (primär) Kostendeckende und verursachergerechte Wasserpreise in der EU-Wasserrahmen-Richtlinie. Water pricing in the EU Water Frame Directive: Realizing full cost recovery and polluter-pays principles
Autor Hansjürgens, B. ORCID logo ; Messner, F.
Quelle Wasser & Boden
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
Department OEKON; OEKUS
Band/Volume 54
Heft 7+8
Seite von 66
Seite bis 69
Sprache deutsch
UFZ Bestand Z, Magdeburg - Bibliothek, Zeitschriften, 22.1970 - 55.2003
Abstract In this article the reasons and consequences of water pricing in accordance with the new EU Water Framework Directive are discussed. From 2010 on EU legislation requires water prices to reflect the principles of full cost recovery and the polluter-pays principle. Thus, all operational, social and environmental costs of water use are to be considered in water pricing with the objective of introducing incentives for economical water use. The authors show that full realization of this policy will be impossible due to various reasons. Nevertheless, introduction of full cost recovery prices will be of benefit to European waters.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Hansjürgens, B., Messner, F. (2002):
Kostendeckende und verursachergerechte Wasserpreise in der EU-Wasserrahmen-Richtlinie. Water pricing in the EU Water Frame Directive: Realizing full cost recovery and polluter-pays principles
Wasser Boden 54 (7+8), 66 - 69