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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
Titel (primär) Überleben in einer dynamischen Landschaft: Ein Modell zur Metapopulationsdynamik der Gefleckten Schnarrschrecke Bryodema tuberculata. Persistence in a dynamic landscape: Modelling the metapopulation dynamics of Bryodema tuberculata
Autor Stelter, C.; Reich, M.; Grimm, V.; Wissel, C.
Quelle Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie
Erscheinungsjahr 1995
Department OESA
Band/Volume 10
Heft 1-6
Seite von 473
Seite bis 476
Sprache deutsch
Keywords Bryodema tuberculata; metapopulation model; dynamic landscape; persistence; correlated extinction
Abstract We introduce a metapopulation-model regarding the endangered grasshopper species Bryodema tuberculata FABRICIUS (Saltatoria, Acrididae) inhabiting a dynamic landscape, i.e. braided rivers in the Northern Alps. Despite of being a poor disperser these dynamic habitats are its only refuges in Central-Europe. Due to succession the quality of the patches is varying with time. There are random catastophic floods extinguishing whole subpopulations, but producing new habitats. By modelling this ecological system the key factors for the survival of the population were traced in more detail. Finally a correlation in the flood dynamics was investigated.
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Stelter, C., Reich, M., Grimm, V., Wissel, C. (1995):
Überleben in einer dynamischen Landschaft: Ein Modell zur Metapopulationsdynamik der Gefleckten Schnarrschrecke Bryodema tuberculata. Persistence in a dynamic landscape: Modelling the metapopulation dynamics of Bryodema tuberculata
Mitt. Dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. 10 (1-6), 473 - 476