Details zur Publikation

Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1080/17535069.2023.2225333
Titel (primär) Housing refugees from Ukraine: preliminary insights and learnings from the local response in five European cities
Autor Haase, A.; Arroyo, I.; Astolfo, G.; Franz, Y.; Laksevics, K.; Lazarenko, V.; Nasya, B.; Reeger, U.; Schmidt, A. ORCID logo
Quelle Urban Research & Practice
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Department SUSOZ
Band/Volume 17
Heft 1
Seite von 139
Seite bis 145
Sprache englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords Refugee migration; Ukraine; local housing integration; European cities, housing challenges; comparative perspective
Abstract The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine caused an escape of >7 million people to other European countries. In this extreme context, the accommodation of refugees has been an urgent need and an unexpected challenge for the host cities and societies. This short paper discusses insights and learnings on housing and accommodation of Ukraine war refugees at the local scale. It summarises challenges within the general management of (housing) integration, discusses related learnings from the hitherto coping mechanisms and sheds light on policy implications for the future by embedding the migration challenge of Ukrainian refugees into a wider context.
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Haase, A., Arroyo, I., Astolfo, G., Franz, Y., Laksevics, K., Lazarenko, V., Nasya, B., Reeger, U., Schmidt, A. (2024):
Housing refugees from Ukraine: preliminary insights and learnings from the local response in five European cities
Urban Research & Practice 17 (1), 139 - 145 10.1080/17535069.2023.2225333