Details zur Publikation

Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1504/IJSD.2022.10049718
Volltext Akzeptiertes Manuskript
Titel (primär) Self-reflexive practice through the human scale development approach — competencies needed for transformative science research
Autor Spiering, S. ORCID logo
Quelle International Journal of Sustainable Development
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Department UPOL
Band/Volume 25
Heft 1/2
Seite von 132
Seite bis 159
Sprache englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords autoethnography; transformative science; self-reflexive practice; Human Scale Development approach; roles of researcher; competencies; values; reflexivity; sustainability science
Abstract Solution-oriented transformative science (TSc) is increasingly being discussed as a means to produce participatory and actionable knowledge for sustainability transitions. This requires that researchers adopt different roles, competencies and a degree of reflexivity which, thus far, are often not fully applied. This article proposes the Human Scale Development approach (HSDA) of the Chilean economist, Max-Neef, as a valuable framework to engage in self-reflexive research practices. Inspired by autoethnography, I draw on my own sustainability research as a PhD student, paying close attention to deprivations and potentials that I encountered, exploring how self-reflexive practices enhance the understanding of competencies and elucidating how to adopt and fulfil required research roles and procedures. I show how such a self-reflexive process can be a useful (training) tool not only for early PhD researchers and for supervision, but may add value for TSc scholars in general.
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Spiering, S. (2022):
Self-reflexive practice through the human scale development approach — competencies needed for transformative science research
Int. J. Sustain. Dev. 25 (1/2), 132 - 159 10.1504/IJSD.2022.10049718