Details zur Publikation

Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1016/j.limno.2022.126006
Volltext Autorenversion
Titel (primär) On ten high-mountain lakes of Corsica island (France) – a delayed report of an investigation in summer 1970
Autor Geller, W.
Quelle Limnologica
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Department SEEFO
Band/Volume 96
Seite von art. 126006
Sprache englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Keywords high-mountain lakes; Corsica Island; temperature; altitude; alkalinity; sun exposition; oxygen; light spectrum; zooplankton
Abstract In August 1970, ten mountain lakes on the island of Corsica (France) were studied. Temperatures and oxygen concentrations were measured as depth profiles, the shading effects of surrounding topographic elevations as skyline values compared to corresponding daily solar elevations. Turbidity and approximate underwater light spectra were evaluated using six color Secchi discs. Alkalinity and electrical conductivity values showed extremely soft water in the lakes. The influence of altitude on lake surface temperatures was analysed, compared to lakes in the Caucasus region and could be separated from the influence of topographical sun shading. Six copepod species were found in zooplankton samples and compared to meta-communities in lakes in other mountain regions.
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Geller, W. (2022):
On ten high-mountain lakes of Corsica island (France) – a delayed report of an investigation in summer 1970
Limnologica 96 , art. 126006 10.1016/j.limno.2022.126006