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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.5194/essd-11-1567-2019
Lizenz creative commons licence
Titel (primär) Co-located contemporaneous mapping of morphological, hydrological, chemical, and biological conditions in a 5th-order mountain stream network, Oregon, USA
Autor Ward, A.S.; Zarnetske, J.P.; Baranov, V.; Blaen, P.J.; Brekenfeld, N.; Chu, R.; Derelle, R.; Drummond, J.; Fleckenstein, J.H.; Garayburu-Caruso, V.; Graham, E.; Hannah, D.; Harman, C.J.; Herzog, S.; Hixson, J.; Knapp, J.L.A.; Krause, S.; Kurz, M.J.; Lewandowski, J.; Li, A.; Martí, E.; Miller, M.; Milner, A.M.; Neil, K.; Orsini, L.; Packman, A.I.; Plont, S.; Renteria, L.; Roche, K.; Royer, T.; Schmadel, N.M.; Segura, C.; Stegen, J.; Toyoda, J.; Wells, J.; Wisnoski, N.I.; Wondzell, S.M.
Quelle Earth System Science Data
Erscheinungsjahr 2019
Department HDG
Band/Volume 11
Heft 4
Seite von 1567
Seite bis 1581
Sprache englisch
Abstract A comprehensive set of measurements and calculated metrics describing physical, chemical, and biological conditions in the river corridor is presented. These data were collected in a catchment-wide, synoptic campaign in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest (Cascade Mountains, Oregon, USA) in summer 2016 during low-discharge conditions. Extensive characterization of 62 sites including surface water, hyporheic water, and streambed sediment was conducted spanning 1st- through 5th-order reaches in the river network. The objective of the sample design and data acquisition was to generate a novel data set to support scaling of river corridor processes across varying flows and morphologic forms present in a river network.
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Ward, A.S., Zarnetske, J.P., Baranov, V., Blaen, P.J., Brekenfeld, N., Chu, R., Derelle, R., Drummond, J., Fleckenstein, J.H., Garayburu-Caruso, V., Graham, E., Hannah, D., Harman, C.J., Herzog, S., Hixson, J., Knapp, J.L.A., Krause, S., Kurz, M.J., Lewandowski, J., Li, A., Martí, E., Miller, M., Milner, A.M., Neil, K., Orsini, L., Packman, A.I., Plont, S., Renteria, L., Roche, K., Royer, T., Schmadel, N.M., Segura, C., Stegen, J., Toyoda, J., Wells, J., Wisnoski, N.I., Wondzell, S.M. (2019):
Co-located contemporaneous mapping of morphological, hydrological, chemical, and biological conditions in a 5th-order mountain stream network, Oregon, USA
Earth Syst. Sci. Data 11 (4), 1567 - 1581 10.5194/essd-11-1567-2019