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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1021/acs.est.2c06365
Volltext Akzeptiertes Manuskript
Titel (primär) Application of effect-based methods to water quality monitoring: Answering frequently asked questions by water quality managers, regulators, and policy makers
Autor Neale, P.A.; Escher, B.I. ORCID logo ; de Baat, M.L.; Dechesne, M.; Dingemans, M.M.L.; Enault, J.; Pronk, G.J.; Smeets, P.W.M.H.; Leusch, F.D.L.
Quelle Environmental Science & Technology
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Department ZELLTOX
Band/Volume 57
Heft 15
Seite von 6023
Seite bis 6032
Sprache englisch
Topic T9 Healthy Planet
Keywords chemical water quality; effect-based trigger values; in vitro bioassays; mixtures; well plate-based in vivo assays
Abstract Effect-based methods (EBM) have great potential for water quality monitoring as they can detect the mixture effects of all active known and unknown chemicals in a sample, which cannot be addressed by chemical analysis alone. To date, EBM have primarily been applied in a research context, with a lower level of uptake by the water sector and regulators. This is partly due to concerns regarding the reliability and interpretation of EBM. Using evidence from the peer-reviewed literature, this work aims to answer frequently asked questions about EBM. The questions were identified through consultation with the water industry and regulators and cover topics related to the basis for using EBM, practical considerations regarding reliability, sampling for EBM and quality control, and what to do with the information provided by EBM. The information provided in this work aims to give confidence to regulators and the water sector to stimulate the application of EBM for water quality monitoring.
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Neale, P.A., Escher, B.I., de Baat, M.L., Dechesne, M., Dingemans, M.M.L., Enault, J., Pronk, G.J., Smeets, P.W.M.H., Leusch, F.D.L. (2023):
Application of effect-based methods to water quality monitoring: Answering frequently asked questions by water quality managers, regulators, and policy makers
Environ. Sci. Technol. 57 (15), 6023 - 6032 10.1021/acs.est.2c06365