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Referenztyp Berichte
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Titel (primär) A public choice framework for climate adaptation – barriers to efficient adaptation and lessons learned from German flood disasters
Autor Gawel, E.; Lehmann, P.; Strunz, S.; Heuson, C.
Quelle UFZ Discussion Papers
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Department OEKON
Band/Volume 3/2016
Seite bis 25
Sprache englisch
Keywords Adaptation; barriers; climate change; climate policy; efficiency; public choice
Abstract In this paper, we propose a comprehensive Public Choice framework to identify and cate-gorize barriers to efficient public climate adaptation. Specifically, we distinguish three dimensions of public adaptation: extent, structure (form and timing) and organisation (vertical and horizontal). Within each of these dimensions, we investigate how the self-interest of voters, pressure groups, bureaucrats and politicians may bias adaptation decisions. Thus, we indicate specific barriers to effi-cient public adaptation. Based on this framework, we illustrate how Germany’s response to major flood disasters reflects the incentive structure of concerned stakeholders and their political interac-tion. The ad-hoc character of some public adaptation measures implies a clear bias from the efficient benchmark. In conclusion, we argue that the propositions of Public Choice theory shed some light on how empirical public adaptation processes unfold.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Gawel, E., Lehmann, P., Strunz, S., Heuson, C. (2016):
A public choice framework for climate adaptation – barriers to efficient adaptation and lessons learned from German flood disasters
UFZ Discussion Papers 3/2016
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 25 pp.