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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Berichte
Titel (primär) Support policies for renewables : instrument choice and instrument change from a public choice perspective
Autor Gawel, E.; Strunz, S.; Lehmann, P.
Quelle WIDER Working Paper
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Department OEKON
Band/Volume 2016/6
Seite bis 17
Sprache englisch
Keywords instrument change; instrument choice; renewables; rent management; support policies
Abstract This paper frames the transition towards clean energies as a sequential process of instrument choice and instrument change. First, regulators decide how to initiate the transition away from fossil energies. Here, support policies for renewable electricity are politically convenient because they face low resistance from fossil energies’ interest groups. In the second stage, regulators need to adapt support policies for renewables to challenges arising along the transition pathway. We empirically substantiate our arguments by tracing the development of support policies in Germany. Against the backdrop of this analysis, we point towards small-step policies that could foster the transition process.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Gawel, E., Strunz, S., Lehmann, P. (2016):
Support policies for renewables : instrument choice and instrument change from a public choice perspective
WIDER Working Paper 2016/6
World Institute for Development Economics Research [WIDER], Helsinki, 17 pp.