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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1134/S1061934812100024
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Titel (primär) Possibilities for the harmonization of methods of the dynamic fractionation of elements in soils and bottom sediments
Autor Fedotov, P.S.; Savonina, E.Y.; Spivakov, B.Y.; Wennrich, R.
Quelle Journal of Analytical Chemistry
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Department ANA
Band/Volume 67
Heft 10
Seite von 851
Seite bis 861
Sprache englisch
Keywords dynamic fractionation of elements;extraction;soils;bottom deposits;sludge;heavy metals;arsenic;antimony;selenium;rotating coiled columns;microcolumns

The paper presents the first comparative study of the fractionation of heavy metals, arsenic, antimony, and selenium in soils, sludge and bottom sediments using two systems for dynamic extraction, rotating coiled columns (RCC) and cylindrical microcolumns (MC). It has been revealed that the results of the fractionation of the forms of elements are related with the physicochemical properties of soils, sludge, and bottom sediments and the special features of mixing the sample and eluent in RCC and MC. In particular, it has been demonstrated that, as compared to MC, RCC provides more efficient recovery of the most mobile (ecologically relevant) forms of arsenic, antimony, and selenium from samples rich with organic matter. However, in the majority of cases, despite the different efficiency of the recovery of individual fractions, RCC and MC provide comparable diagrams of the distribution of the extracted forms of elements. The influence of the rate of the eluent flow on the processes of the dynamic extraction of heavy metals, arsenic and antimony in RCC and MC has been estimated. The directions of research for the further harmonization of the methods of dynamic fractionation of forms of elements in soils, sludge, and bottom sediments with different physicochemical mobilities and potential biological availabilities are outlined.

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Fedotov, P.S., Savonina, E.Y., Spivakov, B.Y., Wennrich, R. (2012):
Possibilities for the harmonization of methods of the dynamic fractionation of elements in soils and bottom sediments
J. Anal. Chem. 67 (10), 851 - 861 10.1134/S1061934812100024