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Titel (primär) Assessing the ecological risks and consequences of alternative energy: a multi-scale perspective, and example from bat mortality at wind turbine sites
Titel (sekundär) 1st UFZ Energy Days 2012: 4-5 April 2012. Book of abstracts
Autor Pe'er, G.; Klenke, R.; Henle, K.
Quelle UFZ Report
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Department NSF
Band/Volume 6/2012
Seite von 63
Sprache englisch
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Pe'er, G., Klenke, R., Henle, K. (2012):
Assessing the ecological risks and consequences of alternative energy: a multi-scale perspective, and example from bat mortality at wind turbine sites
1st UFZ Energy Days 2012: 4-5 April 2012. Book of abstracts
UFZ Report 6/2012
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, p. 63