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Referenztyp Berichte
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Titel (primär) GeNECA 4: The capability approach to intergenerational justice - a survey
Autor Gutwald, R.; Leßmann, O.; Masson, T.; Rauschmayer, F.
Quelle UFZ Discussion Papers
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
Department UPOL
Band/Volume 8/2011
Seite bis 23
Sprache englisch

The politically influential idea of sustainable development is closely tied to the concept of inter- and intragenerational justice without clarifying these concepts and their relationship. In developing an account of human development, the capability approach conceptualizes parts of intragenerational justice, but not intergenerational justice. After explaining briefly our motivation by establishing the link to sustainable development, this paper aims to close the gap in two steps: first, it clarifies elements of a universal theory of justice. Second, it examines how well the CA can take up these elements before drafting how this would translate back to the political context of sustainable development.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Gutwald, R., Leßmann, O., Masson, T., Rauschmayer, F. (2011):
GeNECA 4: The capability approach to intergenerational justice - a survey
UFZ Discussion Papers 8/2011
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 23 pp.