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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
DOI 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.01.004
Titel (primär) Towards optimal sampling schedules for integral pumping tests
Autor Leschik, S.; Bayer-Raich, M.; Musolff, A.; Schirmer, M.
Quelle Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
Department HDG; GWS
Band/Volume 124
Heft 1-4
Seite von 25
Seite bis 34
Sprache englisch
Keywords Integral pumping test (IPT); Groundwater sampling; Optimal sampling schedule; Concentration-time series; Isochrone distribution; Concentration distribution heterogeneity
Abstract Conventional point sampling may miss plumes in groundwater due to an insufficient density of sampling locations. The integral pumping test (IPT) method overcomes this problem by increasing the sampled volume. One or more wells are pumped for a long duration (several days) and samples are taken during pumping. The obtained concentration-time series are used for the estimation of average aquifer concentrations Cav and mass flow rates MCP. Although the IPT method is a well accepted approach for the characterization of contaminated sites, no substantiated guideline for the design of IPT sampling schedules (optimal number of samples and optimal sampling times) is available. This study provides a first step towards optimal IPT sampling schedules by a detailed investigation of 30 high-frequency concentration-time series. Different sampling schedules were tested by modifying the original concentration-time series. The results reveal that the relative error in the Cav estimation increases with a reduced number of samples and higher variability of the investigated concentration-time series. Maximum errors of up to 22% were observed for sampling schedules with the lowest number of samples of three. The sampling scheme that relies on constant time intervals ?t between different samples yielded the lowest errors.
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Leschik, S., Bayer-Raich, M., Musolff, A., Schirmer, M. (2011):
Towards optimal sampling schedules for integral pumping tests
J. Contam. Hydrol. 124 (1-4), 25 - 34 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2011.01.004