Details zur Publikation |
Kategorie | Textpublikation |
Referenztyp | Zeitschriften |
Titel (primär) | Large-scale geoelectrical measurements at the Central Bohemian shear zone nearby the research well Rittsteig (Bavaria, Germany) |
Autor | Schütze, C.; Rücker, C.; Flechsig, C. |
Quelle | Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2010 |
Department | MET |
Band/Volume | 38 |
Heft | 1 |
Seite von | 69 |
Seite bis | 77 |
Sprache | englisch |
Keywords | Rittsteig research well; geoelectrics; 3-D resistivity distribution; self-potential; Forschungsbohrung Rittsteig; Geoelektrik; dreidimensionale Widerstandsverteilung; Eigenpotential |
Abstract | Fault and shear zones are often acting as prominent electrical conductors due to the occurrence of fluids or graphite. The paper presents the results of an Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey, which has been applied to investigate the shear zone system adjacent to the Rittsteig/Bavaria research drilling. The major goal was the determination of a structural geological model of the subsurface derived from the resistivity pattern. The application of recent data processing and imaging algorithms leads to a 3-D model of the resistivity distribution sustaining proposed kinematic geological models concerning the location and depth extent of graphite-bearing shear zones. The DCresistivity model obtains information on the structural units down to a depth of 350 m. The ERT investigations identify strong resistivity contrasts at the Central Bohemian shear zone (CBSZ). Low resistivity areas coincide with self-potential anomalies and indicate the shear zone areas. |
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Schütze, C., Rücker, C., Flechsig, C. (2010): Large-scale geoelectrical measurements at the Central Bohemian shear zone nearby the research well Rittsteig (Bavaria, Germany) Z. geol. Wiss. 38 (1), 69 - 77 |