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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
Titel (primär) Veränderte die Bestandszunahme Zugrichtung und Zugverlauf der Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus)?
Autor Heinze, G.; Pfeifer, R.; Brandl, R.
Quelle Die Vogelwarte
Erscheinungsjahr 1996
Department OESA
Band/Volume 38
Seite von 146
Seite bis 154
Sprache deutsch
Keywords migration, population increase, ring recoveries, wintering
Abstract To document the migration pattern of the black-headed gull in Bavaria 706 recoveries were used from the EURING-databank. The material supports previous results, that gulls borne in the southern part of Bavaria (south of the river Danube) use south-western areas for wintering (> 85% of all recoveries), whereas gulls from northern Bavaria use areas in north-western (about 40%) and south-western direction (60%). In general no pronounced influence of the population increase was found during the sixties on the spatial migration pattern. Weak evidence points to some temporal changes in the migration pattern: gulls migrate a bit earlier to the breeding areas. Since 1965 an increased colony fidelity has occured.
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Heinze, G., Pfeifer, R., Brandl, R. (1996):
Veränderte die Bestandszunahme Zugrichtung und Zugverlauf der Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus)?
Die Vogelwarte 38 , 146 - 154