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Kategorie Textpublikation
Referenztyp Zeitschriften
Titel (primär) Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Oxygen Release by a Trapped Gas Phase : ModelCare'2002, Prag, 17.-20.6.2002
Autor Beckmann, A.; Eisermann, D.; Geistlinger, H.; Krauss, G.; Lazik, D.; Mayer, U.
Quelle Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
Department HDG; GWS; BOPHY
Band/Volume 46
Heft 2/3
Seite von 458
Seite bis 461
Sprache englisch
Abstract Oxygen sparging, air sparging and biosparging are based on phase-transfer reactions between multicomponent phases; they use the ability of the aquifer to capture gas phases of significant quantity (- 10% of the pore space). The oxygen-releasing process is governed by phase-transfer kinetics. The characteristics (Henry coefficients, rate constants) and the governing equations of the kinetic model for a multi-component trapped gas phase are presented. First, the hydraulic impact is studied by the IDOXWALL model: variable gas volume, implicit treatment of the gas saturation and operator splitting method. Second, the quasi-exact solution is compared with the multi-component reactive transport model, MIN3P (global implicit method, explicit treatment of the gas saturation), and shows reasonable agreement, especially for larger times (t > I day). Within a 2D-MIN3P simulation we studied the hydraulic and geochemical impact: bypassing the contaminants due to aquifer clogging by gas bubble entrapment and precipitation of hydroxide mineral phases.
dauerhafte UFZ-Verlinkung
Beckmann, A., Eisermann, D., Geistlinger, H., Krauss, G., Lazik, D., Mayer, U. (2002):
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Oxygen Release by a Trapped Gas Phase : ModelCare'2002, Prag, 17.-20.6.2002
Acta Universitatis Carolinae - Geologica 46 (2/3), 458 - 461