Stabilization of fecal substrates by lactic acid fermentation - FAEKASHI

In this research project we identify, describe and define stable boundary conditions for the lactate fermentation of human faeces from dry separation toilets during storage. Our overall goal is to develop a robust and user-oriented process for successful hygienization, handling and resource recovery from human faeces in the medium term. Ideally, the output of the fermentation process will be a product that meets all the requirements for stable lactate fermentation and can be produced worldwide using only local resources. All findings, as for example, relevant parameters of process operation and the formulation of the used additives, will be disclosed to the general public at the end of the project.

The project will also investigate the potential benefits and cost savings that can be realized through hygienized faeces for different areas of application. One focus is on open/pit latrines in Sierra Leone, which are to be replaced with dry separation toilet systems in the future, as these are responsible for the widespread contamination of groundwater close to the surface.

In our estimation, the project has a high environmental relief potential in the medium term with regard to water consumption when water-operated toilets are not used, hygienization and thus the protection of the adjacent surface waters, but also soil fertility in the event of further processing of the stabilized faeces into terra-pretta products.

Project partners:
- Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (Coordination)
- Holzapfel und Konsorten KG
- Forikolo Action Group
- Wasser ohne Grenzen e.V.
- Steinbeis-Innovationszentrum Organismische Mykologie und Mikrobiologie

The project is funded by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) (AZ 37541/01).

Looking for Students!


October 2023: Project Meeting in Weimar, Germany
On October 23, 2023, the Faekashi team visited Holzapfel und Konsorten KG. After discussing the initial results, various dry separation toilet systems were presented.

Energieautarkes Trockentoilettenhäuschen mit einem Gründach
TTC Mineral

August 28, 2023: Preliminary trials started
Preliminary trials started at the end of August with the aim of testing the previously developed experimental apparatus and gaining initial experience with lactate fermentation.

Vorversuch 1

July 20, 2023: Kick-off meeting
The first meeting of the Faekashi consortium took place on July 20, 2023. During the meeting, which took place online, the first steps in the project were discussed and the next (face-to-face) meetings were planned.