Friedeburg site

The site is a 4x4 km square within an agricultural dominated landscape (about 75% arable land) about 20 km Northwest of the city of Halle. The main focus is on biodiversity of vascular plants (surveyed each second to third year), arthropods (mainly pollinators, surveyed yearly by combined flight traps) and birds (surveyed each third year) in relation to land use and climate change. Vegetation and land use data are available since 1960, birds and arthropods started in 2003 and are regularily surveyed since 2009.
The map below is intended for interactive use.

Map with habitat categories (EUNIS)

h2 | Akkordeon

Das Akkordeon-Element dient dazu umfangreiche Listen platzsparend mit Inhalten abzubilden. Per Klick auf den Titel wird die Beschreibung aufgeklappt und die Beschreibungen der anderen Einträge werden versteckt. Beim Akkordeon-Element "Foldable" bleiben alle angeklickten Einträge parallel geöffnet.