Investigation sites

The focus of the six 4x4 km sites in agricultural dominated landscapes of Saxony-Anhalt (Central Germany) is on biodiversity monitoring.
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Important characteristics of TERENO biodiversity investigation sites (WAN Wanzleben, HAR Harsleben, SIP Siptenfelde, GFH Greifenhagen, FBG Friedeburg, SST Schafstädt)

Arable Land (%) 77 67 18 71 71 97
Mean field size (ha)
26 25 25 14 12 6767
Grasslands (%) 3 1 4 6 8 0.1
Forest (%)
4 13 61 12 3 0.3
Semi-natural (%)
8 17 15 6 10 2
Elevation mean (m)
113 143 423 270 122 177
Mean ann. air temp. (°C)
13.4 13.3 11.0 11.9 13.4 12.7
Mean ann. precip. (mm)
541 516 655 582 574 560

Take a closer look at the sites: