Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
Head: Dr. habil. Uwe Franko
Julius Diel, Anton Gasser
Technical Staff
Sylvia Schmögner, Ralf Gründling
Research focus
Main research emphasis is given to soil specific matter fluxes and turnover processes which affect important soil functions and ecosystem services. Soil organic matter modelling in arable soils at local and regional scale is used as a tool to develop a better system understanding. Central problems are the impacts on carbon cycling caused by climate change and land use including the interaction between soil structure and soil organic matter in agro-ecosystems.
modelling carbon dynamics in arable soils: mainly based on long term observations of carbon
dynamics the impact of site conditions and management on soil organic matter
is modelled in order to predict effects on soil functions and ecosystem services
impact of soil tillage to soil functions: based on selected experimental results the effect of different soil tillage systems on turnover conditions and matter cycling is studied in order to find effective modelling approaches
regionalisation of turnover processes: comparative studys on different soil map scales will provide
solutions for an improved model parametrisation procedure
Research topics
Modelling carbon dynamics in arable soils: mainly based on long term observations of carbon dynamics the impact of site conditions and management on soil organic matter is modelled in order to predict effects on soil functions and ecosystem services.
Additional funding: Austrian-Carbon-Calulator , HUMREP
Bioenergy and soil functions: How does the production of bioenergy interfere with soil functions and ecosystem services if carbon is withdrawn from the matter cycle and digestates have to be applied ?
Additional funding: IVF - Helmholtz Impuls und Vernetzungsfondprojekt für ein Department Bioenergie, HUMREP
Impact of soil tillage to soil functions: based on selected experimental results the effect of different soil tillage systems on turnover conditions and matter cycling is studied in order to find effective modelling approaches.
Regionalisation of turnover processes: comparative studys on different soil map scales will provide solutions for an improved model parametrisation procedure.
Additional funding: CarBioCial, Austrian-Carbon-Calulator , TEILSCHLAG
Our research is integrated in the POF activities
- T16 Energy & LandUse
- T12 Land use conflicts