Technology Offers

Research findings and know-how at the UFZ are often the basis of innovative products and technologies in the fields of:

  • Sustainable biotechnology,
  • Technological solutions for the remediation of groundwater and wastewater,
  • Environmental engineering, e.g. sensor technology, information systems and monitoring.

Benefit from our expertise that we offer in the fields of transfer services, contract work or cooperation.

Do you need more information or want to be referred to experts in our centre? Then please do not hesitate to contact us!

Logo transfun The new transfun funding programme at the UFZ strengthens cooperation with national and international companies to develop new products.

Together with you, we want to work on a sustainable future and conserve valuable resources. Take the chance to develop your idea with us! Download our Flyer !

Our Technology Offers

Grafik mit Pflanzentomograph
Tomographic recording of plant population
In situ sensor technology for assessing and documenting plant population and for validating remote sensing data
Autosampler, Photo: Andre Künzelmann, UFZ
Watersampler for rain samples
Robust & low-cost watersampler to collect water samples in a time-controlled manner, and store them as evaporation-free as possible until they are analysed in the laboratory
microbial fuel cell, Grafic: UFZ
Microbial electrochemical wastewater treatment
Microbial fuel cell for the generation of electrical energy from waste water
Upgrade kit for bioreactors / Photo: A. Künzelmann, UFZ
Upgrade kit for bioreactors (bio-electrosynthesis)
Enhancement for conventional bioreactors/fermentors for conducting experiments on microbial electrosynthesis