The UFZ StartUp Office
Spin-offs are a major challenge for many researchers. Therefore, we support them with our competence and experience to exploit their ideas and research results and enable a transfer to society.
For this reason, the UFZ established its own StartUp Office in 2015 to provide targeted support for start-up initiatives inhouse with a wide range of services. Established guidelines at the UFZ set the framework for supporting employees in founding companies and create a breeding ground for entrepreneurial thinking and action. Together with our partners from HoMe Gründerservice (in German) at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences and the SMILE start-up initiative (in German) at the University of Leipzig, we thus pave the way to self-employment.
Our partners:
Selected spin-offs of the UFZ
Radio wave technology is used to provide small batches of hot asphalt on site, regardless of the time of day or season, to enable sustainable and efficient road rehabilitation of the highest quality.
» RWInnoTec GmbH (in German)
Video on the technology (in German)
As an internationally active consulting agency in the field of environment, development and capacity building, the company supports the exchange and cooperation between science, politics and society in inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches.
» CoKnow Consulting
Biologist Dr. Annegret Grimm-Seyfarth and her two sniffer dogs Bagheera and Zammy work for science, nature conservation and for official detection of various animal species. Together they track down hidden species. They are particularly specialised in otters and amphibians.
» Monitoring DOGS - in German
Isodetect provides key information on the use of environmental resources based on isotope analyses and microbial investigations for engineering offices, remediation companies, environmental authorities and research institutes.
» Isodetect GmbH