DBG Commission Meeting 2024 in Leipzig

DBG 2024 Topics:

Commission I of the German Soil Science Society meets every two years to exchange scientific information. This year's meeting will take place at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig. It is intended as a forum for the exchange of information on the latest developments in soil physics and soil hydrology.

We are looking forward to Prof. Jan Vanderborght (KU Leuven, Belgium) as an invited speaker.

Date: 05.09.2024 (01:00 pm) - 06.09.2024 (12:00 am)
Registration deadline: 31.07.2024
Venue: KUBUS Leipzig – the event center of the UFZ | Permoserstraße 15 | 04318 Leipzig

Contributions and registration

To submit your contributions and register for the event, please use the following link:
