CLIMALERT − Methods and Results: Stakeholder Workshop
The German case study workshop took place in Leipzig on the 8th of March 2018. Unfortunately, the German case study experienced difficulties securing attendees at the workshop. Most stakeholders invited (approx. 30) expressed interest in attending the workshop but either already had appointments or were unable to leave their farms. Also, on the day of the workshop, Leipzig experienced a snow storm which hindered people from arriving at the workshop location. In addition, some attendees had to cancel their attendance at short notice due to illness (Germany was in the middle of an influenza outbreak). However, we were extremely lucky to have four participants who were extremely engaged and represented all three stakeholder groups that are of interest of the case study: farmers, members of farmers’ associations, and weather information providers. The results of the workshop helped us to gain an overview of how farmers use weather and climate information, when and for what decisions. These results provided the basis for follow-up interviews with 21 farmers after the workshop.