
Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1111/gcb.13397
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Title (Primary) Herbivory and nutrient limitation protect warming tundra from lowland species' invasion and diversity loss
Author Eskelinen, A.; Kaarlejärvi, E.; Olofsson, J.
Source Titel Global Change Biology
Year 2017
Department iDiv; PHYDIV
Volume 23
Issue 1
Page From 245
Page To 255
Language englisch
UFZ wide themes RU1
Abstract Herbivory and nutrient limitation can increase the resistance of temperature-limited systems to invasions under climate warming. We imported seeds of lowland species to tundra under factorial treatments of warming, fertilization, herbivore exclusion and biomass removal. We show that warming alone had little impact on lowland species, while exclusion of native herbivores and relaxation of nutrient limitation greatly benefitted them. In contrast, warming alone benefitted resident tundra species and increased species richness; however, these were cancelled by negative effects of herbivore exclusion and fertilization. Dominance of lowland species was associated with low cover of tundra species, and resulted in decreased species richness. Our results highlight the critical role of biotic and abiotic filters unrelated to temperature in protecting tundra under warmer climate. While scarcity of soil nutrients and native herbivores act as important agents of resistance to invasions by lowland species, they concurrently promote overall species coexistence. However, when these biotic and abiotic resistances are relaxed, invasion of lowland species can lead to decreased abundance of resident tundra species, and diminished diversity.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Eskelinen, A., Kaarlejärvi, E., Olofsson, J. (2017):
Herbivory and nutrient limitation protect warming tundra from lowland species' invasion and diversity loss
Glob. Change Biol. 23 (1), 245 - 255 10.1111/gcb.13397