Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Book chapters
Title (Primary) Application of whey to prevent re-oxidation in a passive anoxic in-lake reactor - success and failure
Title (Secondary) Mine water in innovative thinking. Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association symposium 2010 ; September 5 - 9, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Author Friese, K. ORCID logo ; Koschorreck, M.; Wendt-Potthoff, K. ORCID logo ; Schultze, M.; Geller, W.
Publisher Wolkersdorfer, C.; Freund, A.
Year 2010
Department SEEFO
Page From 225
Page To 229
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Friese, K., Koschorreck, M., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Schultze, M., Geller, W. (2010):
Application of whey to prevent re-oxidation in a passive anoxic in-lake reactor - success and failure
In: Wolkersdorfer, C., Freund, A. (eds.)
Mine water in innovative thinking. Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association symposium 2010 ; September 5 - 9, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Cape Breton University Press, Sydney, Nova Scotia, p. 225 - 229