IT specialist
Duration: | 3 years |
Start: | August/September |
Training location: | |
in the IT department of the UFZ |
Felix-Bloch-Schule Leipzig
Berufsbildende Schulen "Otto von Guericke" Magdeburg |

During your apprenticeship, you will learn ...
Application development | System integration | |
training |
training |
If you ...
have a high school or secondary school diploma with good marks in informatics, mathematics and English,
good average mathematical skills,
a particularly logical mind,
technical understanding
and good spatial perception
... and you're interested in an apprenticeship at the UFZ as an IT specialist, then apply now!
Please apply online for the apprenticeship you want to start via the job offers with the following application documents:
- Application letter
- Tabular CV
- Copy of your (final) diploma or latest certificate
- Documentation/assessments from previous activities and internships